Thursday, January 10, 2008

Storytime Reject

This morning me, Mommy and Grandma Berta went to the library. We weren't planning on going for storytime, but when we got there they made an announcement that it was about to start. So we followed all of the other kids to the storytime room. There were a ton of kids and their parents there and by the time we got there all the front row seats were taken and you couldn't even get into the circle area where all the kids were. So we sat in the second row to watch. I was so excited I couldn't sit still so I squirmed until I got away from Mommy. Then to Mommy's suprise (and horror) I squeezed myself through two adults and got right in the middle of the storytime circle! I was in the center of everything all on my own and there was no way Mommy could get to me! I went right up to the lady who was reading the book and then spent the next 20 minutes generally getting into her way. I tried to turn the pages on her book, but when she told me to stop I did. Then I started exploring all the things she had behind her, at that point she called Mommy out and told her she better keep an eye on me. Then when she was dancing I stood right behind her so she kept bumping me. After that I started shaking some dividers they had up and the lady stopped storytime and told Mommy to come get me! I don't know why, I was being pretty good and those dividers were sturdy, they weren't going to fall. So Mommy had to work her way all across the room filled with parents and kids and come get me. After that we had to leave because if we stayed I was just going to go right back to what I was Mommy was super embarrassed by that point. As we were leaving Grandma Berta told me (a little too loudly), "Don't worry kid, we've been kicked out of better places than this one!" She wasn't embarrassed at all, she thought the whole thing was hillarious!

So that is the story of how I got kicked out of my first storytime. It is officially supposed to be for kids 2-4, we definately won't be going back for at least another 6 months!

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