Saturday, March 10, 2007

I am feeling a lot better today! My nose is still running, but my appetite is back and I am slightly less cranky. Mommy decided that since I don't really love the sippy cup she would try to teach me to drink from a straw. She went all the way back to Catonsville to get the special straw training cup she got when Quinn was a baby. Turns out I didn't need it! I know how to drink from a straw, especially when there is apple juice in the cup!!! I figured it out right away, Mommy was really impressed.

Today we went across the street to visit Grandma and Grandpop's neighbors. They have grandkids too so they were happy to see me and Quinn. Their grandkids weren't there, but their toys were! We had a great time over there.

I was a really good boy last night and slept almost through the night. Maybe I will do that again tonight, Mommy sure looks like she could use a break.

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