Friday, June 01, 2007

Gymboree was great! At first I wasn't so sure I would like it, but then I saw all the balls! I ended up having a really good time even though I was just a little clingy with Mommy. There were three other little babies around my age there and only one was walking. But she was a girl so that explains that! I liked playing with the other kids but I am not good at sharing. I kept grabbing stuff from the other kids and then holding it against me really tight. Mommy had to explain to the other moms that I have an older brother!

I guess Mommy thought it was good for me cause she signed me up for 24 whole weeks! We will go every Friday morning and maybe sometimes on other days during the summer. I guess I better get over my seperation issues now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY! gymboree! have fun!!