Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I didn't sleep through the whole night last night, but I came close. I fell asleep early (7 PM) then woke up at midnight, but went back to sleep until 5:30 and then again until 8:30 so that was pretty good. I was pretty fussy today. I threw a fit while Quinn's PT was here and when Quinn fell and started crying Mommy just handed me to her!! Mommy says most babies just cry harder when they are given to a stranger, but not me. I am always really good when someone new holds me...I worry Mommy won't take me back if I am not. I liked Lindalee, she hummed the "Jaws" song to me. It wasn't scary, but Mommy says that is only cause I haven't seen the movie yet.

Mommy let me do tummy time propped on my boppy today, I liked that a lot better!

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