Thursday, September 21, 2006

I woke up a half hour before Mommy's alarm went off this morning. I yelled for a little while until she finally got up. Then she went to the bathroom and by the time she got back I was sound asleep again. I don't understand why that made her mad, but she says someday when I have kids I will get it.

We went to an orientation meeting at Quinn's speech clinic this morning. I was pretty good, but Mommy had to feed me there cause I wouldn't eat before we left. Quinn was watching The Wiggles and I kept turning my head to watch too! It was fun, everyone said how cute I was, I am pretty cute.

Tonight Mommy gave me my first real bath. Until now she always gave me a sponge bath cause she is wimpy. Well, I really liked being in the water for the first few minutes. Then I changed my mind and started screaming bloody murder! I screamed for a good 10 minutes even after Mommy took me out of the bath. I just wasn't in the mood for a bath tonight. Maybe next time will be better.

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