Monday, November 06, 2006

I still haven't rolled over, but sometimes I roll over onto my side. Not sure why I do it cause it just makes me mad. Mommy says I am such a silly little boy! We worked some more on sitting up today. I sat in front of that cool car gym thingee and watched the lights go. I kept leaning forward and resting my head on the steering wheel and balancing myself that way. I thought it was a good idea, but Mommy seemed to want me to sit up straight. Honestly I don't have a lot of interest in sitting. I think I might just skip sitting completely and go right to standing. All I want to do is stand, I do most of my smiling while I am standing up you know.

Tommorow we are going to get pictures taken for our holiday cards. I have never gone to a professional place before so I hope it isn't too scary. Maybe I will smile for the camera and maybe I won't....we will see!

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