Friday, December 15, 2006

We went to the playground this morning and it was really fun! I got to sit in the front seat of the stroller and watch all the kids playing. Boy, were there a lot of kids there! It was a really nice day and a really cool playground, so I am not surprised. I stayed in my stroller for a little while, but then I decided I wanted to snuggle with Mommy. Then we went chasing Quinn all over the playground and that was fun.

Tonight we went to Grandma Jan's and went to see the trains at the mall. I didn't really see them cause I was drinking a bottle most of the time. I liked being out and about though. When we got back to Grandma's she put me on the floor on my belly. Guess what I did? I got up on my hands and knees! It was just for a second but for some reason it really scared Mommy. She says she doesn't want two crawlers, well sorry Mom, but it looks like you are going to get that anyway!

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