Monday, January 29, 2007

I had a great time watching Quinn get his therapy today! I didn't take my eyes off him the whole time, I am trying to learn everything that he is learning so I can play with him better. I had a yummy lunch of organic sweet potatoes. Peapod delivered organic by mistake and I gotta say...they really taste better than the regular kind!

I am doing much better at sitting. I can actually sit on my own, but I don't usually want to and sometimes I just fall right over. But as long as Mommy stays nearby and I have something interesting to play with I am usually okay. Today I had a great time playing with the Sesame Street pop up toy. I liked pushing the guys back down and sometimes I could even make one of the pop ups go on my own. I sat on my own for at least 10 minutes so that is pretty good!

Grandma Donna came over tonight and I made a really yucky diaper just for her! I really like it when she changes me, she always gives me something cool to play with!

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