Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I have a cough! It isn't too bad (yet), and it doesn't sound like a seal barking (huh?) so hopefully it will just go away. We didn't go to speech cause it was snowing (again!) and Mommy didn't want to take me out like that.

I got a really nice blanket in the mail today from my Great Aunt Pat. Mommy said she made it herself! I didn't know that was possible! I really liked it, but I liked the tissue paper she wrapped it in better. I had a really good time with that!

If you know me you know that I smile a lot, but never really laugh. Maybe if you tickle my belly just right I will giggle, but so far I am not much of a laugher. Well, today Portia made me laugh, and she made me laugh hard! I was on the sofa with Mommy and Portia jumped up next to me with her toy. She was swinging it all around and it just struck me as really funny. I laughed a big belly laugh and Mommy was so surprised! She thought I was coughing or choking cause she never heard me do that before. Nope, I was laughing and I kept laughing for another five minutes while I watched Portia jumping around. Laughing is fun, maybe I will start doing it more often!

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